Pest Control Guide: Ants

ant pest control


The most common Irish ants you’ll encounter are black garden ants. Although not dangerous, they can be a nuisance when they forage within your home, destroy your paving, or in hot summer months when they take flight as part of their yearly mating cycle. If unlucky, you may also encounter the pharaoh, fire or ghost ant within your home or business. Be sure to identify them correctly as incorrect pesticide use can worsen the problem with some species. Our guide will help you identify and prevent different ant infestations.

Black Garden Ants:


The garden ant tends to be found in dry, sandy soil. This type of soil can be found in flower beds, potting areas, at grass edges, or under paving stones/slabs. Which is why they can appear in all corners of your garden. Look along paving stones for mounds of soil forming around small openings, these small gaps are often entry and exit points for the colony. They can also imbed themselves in cavities or tunnels created near the edge wall of your home. Within the home, they will most commonly be found in the kitchen, although if you’re a bedroom snacker don’t be surprised to find them there.


The worker ants generally range from 3 to 5 mm in length, with queens spanning up to 9mm. The name ‘black garden ant’ is slightly misleading as the can vary from a dark brown shade to black, but all will appear slightly glossy.

Lifecycle of the black garden ant:

Within Ireland, the mating period for these ants takes place during the hot summer months, usually late July-August when an noticeable increase in temperature occurs. During this mating process, reproductive males and virgin queens will take to the sky causing masses of ‘flying ants’. The males will die off within a few days of the mating cycle. Whereas the queens will create a new cycle by discarding her wings, tunnelling and hatching a new colony. Astonishingly, the queens can live for as long as 20 years!

How to get rid of black ants:

If you notice ants appearing in your home a good first step would be to examine their movements, see where they’re coming and going from. This may inform you as to whether they have nested in or outside your home. The next step is to always remove any available food sources, then give the area a good clean to remove food scents and ant trail pheromones. If the problem persists, there are over the counter products available, however they can take time and often aren’t powerful enough to destroy the queen and stop the cycle fully. A professional ant spray treatment can be performed very quickly and is very cost effective, stopping the cycle instantly. If you’re considering a professional treatment then we recommend leaving the ants and area undisturbed, as this will allow for better inspection and an easier/quicker extermination process.

Pharaoh Ants:



These ants are very small in stature, about 1 to 3mm in length. They range from yellow to reddish brown in tone and have distinctive clubbed ends to their antenna.


Pharaoh ants like humid places with good availability of food sources and moisture. They will nest in wall voids, insulation, sockets and crevices. Unlike most other ants they don’t have a flight phase of their mating cycle, they ‘bud’ resulting in rapid often unnoticed expansion throughout buildings.


You must never use repellent insecticides on pharaoh ants as they can cause the ants to ‘bud’ or diverge to set up satellite colonies making the problem even worse. As such professional help is essential in the treatment of this ant species when identified.

Ghost Ants:

ghost ant control

The ghost ant is the common term for the Tapinoma melanocephalum ant. While not harmful they should always be acted upon quickly when found within the home as control/elimination can be a painstaking process.


The ghost ant are minute, ranging from 1 to 2mm in length and can be distinguished by their black head, translucent abdomens and antenna which are segmented in 12 sections.


Ghost ants are found in warm humid spaces, greenhouses and wall voids are often suitable colony spaces. They have a particular fondness for sweet foods and will found in kitchens or bathrooms (due to their moisture requirements).

How to get rid of Ghost Ants:

Time and patience is required in eliminating these ants, although infestations are rare they do require professional attention.

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