Pest Guide: Carpet Beetles

what carpet beetles look like

Carpet Beetles

Have you begun to notice bald spots appear on your carpet or rugs? Maybe you’ve spotted colourful bugs on your windowsill, or strange fuzzy larvae have appeared on fabrics? If yes, then you’re probably dealing with a carpet beetle infestation.

These small ladybug like creatures have destructive larvae which will eat through fabrics in your home, causing costly damage and extreme frustration.


These bugs resemble strangely coloured ladybirds/ladybugs. They vary in colour, but brown or black with colourful yellow patterns are most common. The adults are quite small, about 2 to 4mm in length but their larvae can actually be a little bigger; these larvae are often referred to as ‘woolly bears’ due to their distinctive long bristly hairs.


Carpet beetles feed on natural fibres, dead insects, hair and pet fur. While they’re fond of light, their larvae will commonly thrive in areas of low traffic e.g. areas beneath furniture, attic spaces, or with cracks and crevices. They prefer warm dry environments.

Are carpet beetles dangerous:

Although carpet beetles will cause lots of property damage, they aren’t necessarily dangerous to humans or pets. They can however cause skin irritation when their larvae (‘woolly bears’) embed in clothing or fabrics that you wear or sit on; causing blotchy, itchy rashes in some cases.

How to prevent carpet beetles:

Consistent vacuuming and cleaning always helps. Clear dryer vents, check nooks and crannies for food waste, hair and fur. Washing and storing winter clothing or old items in sealed storage boxes can also help to prevent fabric pests, and protect your items from damage.

How to get rid of carpet beetles:

Deep cleaning your home, consistent vacuuming, washing affected items, and checking stored items will assist in removing carpet beetles. However, they can be persistent and elusive, hiding in less observable areas, vents, and crevices; so consistent checking of hard to observe areas is required, along with re-cleaning if adults or larvae are spotted.

Professional treatment overcomes this by instantly exterminating both adult and larva, as well as providing a protective layer which lasts up to 3 months.

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