Pest Control Guide to Fleas




Flea infestations can serious distress to you, your family and pets. As with all parasites, they use you and your furry friends as a feeding ground to sustain themselves and reproduce. These flea bites are not only tormenting, they’re dangerous; flea bites have long been associated with transmission of the bubonic plague, bacterial and skin infections, along with potential allergic reactions. In your pets they can also cause skin reactions, allergies, tapeworm and anaemia.

Their durable nature, rapid reproduction rates and nasty side effects means early intervention is essential. Our professional flea treatment guarantees success so you can your beloved pet can once again live in peace.

What do fleas look like:

Fleas are flat in appearance, they’re a darkish-red to brown and have extremely long legs (relevant to their tiny size). They’re abut 1 to 4mm in size and although they don’t fly they do jump huge heights. Their eggs are tiny white oval shapes which may be visible under a magnifying glass.

How do you know if you have fleas:

Small red bite marks, or a pet consistently scratching may be the first signs. You may also spot them jumping on your pet or by your feet. Fleas are better spotted against a lighter background so placing a white sheet in an area where you suspect activity may better highlight them.

Life cycle of a flea:

Fleas can lay up to 50 eggs in a day and can do this continuously throughout their lifecycle. Their eggs are often laid upon their host once they’ve finished feasting (gross, we know!). Their lifecycle is dependent on temperature conditions and meal availability but can be between weeks and months.

How to get rid of fleas:

If you have pets in then this is a good place to start; clean all bedding, groom the animal and ensure their flea and tick treatments are up to date. They and their bedding can also be treated with over the counter products (consult your vet or pet store for pet specific advice). Then treat the area with continuous vacuuming and cleaning, be persistent, thorough and patient. Remember eggs can easily fall or roll into cracks and crevices within your home.

If you would rather a rapid professional response then we at APS would be happy to help. We utilise a proprietary parasite formula and specialised spray equipment to get into the hardest to reach areas, it kills fleas and their eggs instantly and safely sits within these zones for 2 weeks post, meaning any emerging/unhatched fleas will also be dealt with. We guarantee you’ll be completely flea free asap.

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