Pest Control Guide to Flies

Fly pest control treatment information


There are over 3,000 species of flies (Diptera) in Ireland alone. Each species prefers different habitats and food sources, so may be present in your home or business for different reasons.

Cluster flies may be gathering on your window or sky light for warmth, scuttle flies may be rising from your drainage system, fruit-flies may be attracted to some fermenting fruit, houseflies may be feeding on some veg, and blowflies/bluebottles may have stumbled across some fallen meat.

If it’s an infestation of flies then there will always be source, resolving this is always essential to eradicating flies permanently.


Flies are excellent transmitters of pathogens and bacteria; They lay eggs and waste on our food, transfer bacteria by flying between dirty and clean surfaces, and by flying to and from uncooked and cooked foods. Some can also administer some nasty bites.

How to avoid flies:

Good housekeeping is always a great first step. Clean behind appliances and kickbaords where food waste may get stuck, regularly empty and clean bins, keep outside bins well sealed. Make sure your drains are free of waste and ensure they flow with water regularly (stagnant water can cause fly infestations). Seal small gaps around windows and doorframes, and consider nets or screens for windows and doors which are regularly open.

How to get rid of flies:

Given the vast variety of flies, knowing your enemy can make life a lot easier. Size, colour and location can often assist in this. There may be clues; perhaps there was rodent activity previously and now there is a smell and flies - this is likely blowflies/bluebootles drawn to a carcass. Or you have noticed flies gathering or ‘clustering’ in 1 or 2 window frames (cluster flies). Or perhaps they’re near a particular drain, water, or food source. Once you’ve identified the fly type you can better understand why they are there. Removing the source, food, water, or habitat will ensure long term success. If you’re dealing with drain flies you will need to examine your gullies, drains, pipe seals and plumbing and repair accordingly. Lastly, once the source is removed over the counter methods like electric killers, sticky tapes and sprays will slowly become more effective. But for a rapid knockdown service pest control services are available.

Pest control treatment for flies:

If your struggling with flies in your home or business, at APS we offer an inspection and rapid fly removal service which provides instant knockdown against all fly types. We also provide spray and sealing services for cluster and drain fly infestations.

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