How To Treat Wasp Stings.

Wasp stings rank among some of the most painful defence responses from the insect world. Their venomous tail will cause a burning sensation to all those unlucky enough to encounter it, with extreme allergic reaction and anaphylaxis a possibility. There’s a common misconception that wasps only sting once but this isn’t true, wasps can sting repetitively and will do so when feeling threatened. So what do you do if you stung this summer? Follow our handy guide to treating wasp stings:

1st: Inspect the area and ensure no stinger is left inside, they can break off in the skin or you could have been stung by a honey-bee. If there is a stinger, try to remove it intact.

2nd: Wash the effected area thoroughly.

3rd: Soak a cotton ball in white or apple cider vinegar and apply it to the wound, or apply a small amount of deodorant with an aluminium content to the area, these will help neutralise the venom. important Note: If you’re not 100% sure what stung you then you may want to skip this step as bee-stings are more acidic and these methods may worsen the sensation.

4th: Cover with a plaster and apply a cold pack to help reduce inflammation. You can also take an over the counter medication like ibuprofen if you that’s necessary. Remember always be vigilant towards possible signs of allergic reactions and if concerned or in doubt contact a pharmacy or doctor.

5th: Call APS to exterminate the wasp nest in your home or business. Their sting may be tough but ours is tougher.

Be safe out there this summer.


How To Pest Proof Your Home.


Springtime Pest Guide: II