The Rodent Control Process:


Rodent calls are on the rise and will only increase as the weather shifts colder. Two of the most common things we get asked on these calls are “what is the process?” and “is it worth it?”. So we thought we would write a quick blog to answer these for you.

The Process:

The first step is a quick chat and inspection. We look for signs of rodents: droppings, urine, chewing, smear marks and entry points, and get a quick background on the problem and any concerns you have.

pest prevention

Next we repair entry points with special rodent proof materials. We’ll also advise on the garden and any structural concerns we come across.

If it’s a rat issue we’ll also inspect the drainage system and exterminate any rodents we find there.

Then we lay the necessary traps and poisons in child and pet safe boxes within discrete locations.

Then we come back to collect the rodents and traps, we stay with you until we’re sure the problem is completely resolved inside and out.

Lastly we’ll sterilise the areas where the rodents have been to make sure its safe for you and your family.

Is pest control worth it?

Pest control is a great investment for several reasons:

Our inspections often reveal multiple access points for rodents, so when they’re fixed they not only treat the current issue but also future proof the home.

Our experience saves time and costly mistakes, we know when to use traps vs poisons, where to place them and ultimately what’s appropriate and what’s not. Trust us, you don’t want to make rats trap shy or accidentally kill one in a wall that’s inaccessible, you’ll quickly find out why that was a big mistake!


Our specialised equipment keeps your family, pets and other wildlife safe.

We stop the spread of disease. Through the use of sterilising agents and hazardous waste vacuums we can make an area safe and pathogen free. Be warned, never hoover up rodent droppings you come across as your vacuum will be likely unequipped to capture these nasty pathogens and make instead blow them around the room!

We provide peace of mind. Once we’re involved you can rest easy knowing you’re protected and that we’re available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.


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