Pest Control Guide to Mice

pest control removal for mice

 House Mouse

The house mouse (Mus Musculus) is one of the most common rodent species/pests you’ll encounter. Found close to humans and buildings, their tiny stature allows them to squeeze through the smallest of gaps and their diamond-tough teeth makes gnawing a breeze, so accessing your home is no sweat to these critters.

Once in, even a single mouse can leave quite the mark; Producing up to 50 droppings per day, gnawing on structures, and leaving behind unseen bacteria and pathogens. When provided with shelter, food or water, they can nest and reproduce rapidly, causing infestations to spiral out of control quickly.

Dangers of Mice:

Mice and their waste can carry Hantavirus, Salmonella and Weil’s disease. They also carry ticks and fleas which can cause Lyme disease (and were behind the spread of the bubonic plague). A single mouse will produce over 10,000 droppings per year, gallons of urine, shedding fur, travelling from unsanitary areas (like drains) to clean areas; contaminating food prep areas in your home. Their continually growing teeth encourages gnawing, which is why they often chew through wires, piping, walls, carpet and furniture, resulting in serious property damage.


House mice are on average quite small, approximately 7 to 9 cm long. They can vary in colour from brown to grey in colour, with relatively big ears and eyes, pointed noses, small feet and a tail longer than their body. These features help distinguish them from juvenile rats.

Signs of Mice:

Scratching noises, musky smells, chewed on food packing, droppings (about a grain of rice or smaller), disturbances in your pet’s behaviour, and smear marks or footprints are all signs of a rodent visitor. Mice can be light on their feet (especially on insulation), often going undetected in the initial stages of infestation, but will eventually be spotted more frequently as they become more comfortable exploring their surroundings.

How do I know whether I have mice or rats:

One of the first signs to look for are droppings. Rat droppings are more akin to coffee beans while mouse droppings are like small grains of rice. Mice are also quite liberal in when and where they go, leaving them behind in most locations. Whereas rats can sometimes create confined ‘toilet areas’.

Sound can also be a good indicator, but shouldn’t be solely relied upon, as such noise can be amplified in uninsulated areas such as cavity walls and ceilings.

Footprint size and gnaw mark sizes are also good indicators but can often require an experienced eye.

If you’re not sure and are attempting home remedies, be cautious, do not attempt to use poisons. If you poison a large rat in an area where it can not be retrieved then you will create some nasty side effects!

Lifecycle of the mouse:

Mice can reach maturity and begin to reproduce in as little as 6 weeks, have about 6-7 litters a year, with 4 to 16 mice per litter; so 2 mice can become many mice very very quickly. Although they can breed all year round, tougher outdoor environments during winter may be less conducive to mating. They can live up to 2 years, especially in a domestic environment with ample food sources and no predators.

How to get rid of Mice:

You should always start by sealing open food packages and removing all available food sources. All possible entry points should be sealed with high quality rodent proof materials. Don’t waste your money on ultrasonic rodent-repellers, they’re ineffective and costly. You can then use traps or poison to try to resolve the infestation; however be extremely careful when attempting amateur poisoning, it can be dragged by rodents to areas with children or pets, and if accessed by rats it can create serious problems. It also needs to be applied in correct doses to ensure it is effective within an appropriate time period and then removed immediately after - professional pest controllers utilise specialised equipment to prevent these hazards.

Here at APS we take care of the treatment, prevention and disinfecting in one easy complete package. Our licenced pest control professionals employ their years of experience, specialised products, and high quality materials to quickly and safely exterminate the mice within your home or business.

mice or rat droppings

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