Pest Control Guide: Cockroaches



Here in Ireland we encounter 3 varieties' of cockroaches: the German, the oriental, and on rare occasions their burly American relatives. Most common occurrences tend to be the German variety.

These shy indoor pests will likely be found in your kitchen or bathroom scurrying from you or the light. Their durable nature and quick reproduction means they can quickly spiral and cause large infestations, so quick response is key.


Infestations of cockroaches are linked to allergies, asthma and other raspatory conditions. They can contaminate food and clean surfaces with their waste as well as transport bacteria and nasty pathogens from unsanitary areas, as they move about in your home.


German cockroaches are about 1 to 1.5 cm in length, ranging from a tan to very dark brown in colour with 2 parallel dark strips running from the top of the head to the base of the wings. They appear Matte in colour. If you are you seeing much larger, darker, and shiny cockroaches then they are likely to be the oriental variety.

Signs of cockroaches:

Cockroaches are most commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms, prefering damp and humid conditions. Sightings of brown bugs scurrying from you and the light in these areas would be the first obvious sign; However, you may also have also noticed small dark droppings appear, skin casings, bad odours, eggs, or smear marks in these areas.

Lifecycle of cockroaches:

Adult German cockroaches live for approximately 6 months with the female laying 5-8 egg cases during this lifecycle. Each of these egg cases contain about 30 juveniles or ‘nymphs’. If left untreated cockroaches will quickly multiply and spread throughout a complex.

How did I get cockroaches:

Cockroaches can arrive by traveling on imported or second hand goods, in suitcases from your travels, or through neighbouring structures which are infested, in the case of apartments or terraced houses.

How to get rid of cockroaches:

Good cleanliness is always a good first step, this doesn’t mean just the areas you can see, cockroaches like the secluded dark areas e.g. under kickboards and behind cookers etc. These areas can sometimes build up with grease, fallen food waste and/or decaying damp materials. Always consider clutter an enemy of good pest control as it creates hiding areas and traps waste and moisture.

There are multiple over the counter remedies for cockroaches, ranging from sticky traps and bait stations, to powders and sprays; the formers tend to be safer but require persistent use and can take some time to be fully effective, while the latter are hazardous products and are ineffective unless administered correctly and to the right source points. Re-infestation is also more likely to occur when already laid eggs hatch from untreated cracks and crevices in which they have been laid.

How does professional pest control get rid of roaches:

Firstly, we identify both the species and level of severity of infestation. From there we deliver the appropriate treatment of either specialist gel bait, fine powder dust, pressurised spray treatment, and/or traps for high traffic zones. We deliver fast, effective and safe solutions to any cockroach infestation.

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