Pest Control Guide to Silverfish

getting rid of silverfish


These prehistoric insects are one of the oldest existing creatures on our planet. They are an extremely common and persistent pest, and while they give most people the creeps, they pose no threat to us or our pets. They can however damage furnishings in your home by feeding on them.

Preferring warm, humid, dark spaces, they’ll often be spotted in your bathroom, kitchen or utility areas; scurrying in a fish like motion back to nearby cracks and crevices where they nest.

If you’re currently dealing with a silverfish infestation you’ll be happy to know professional treatment is highly cost efficient and exceptionally effective.


Silverfish range from silver to dark grey in colour and are about 8-12mm in length. They derive their name from the their side to side movement and scaly silver appearance which makes them resemble small fish swimming (we’ll leave that judgment up to you).

Why do I have silverfish in my house?

Silverfish are one of the most common pests found in homes. They are drawn towards our homes because they offer ideal habitats; providing the right environmental conditions, hiding spaces and food. As silverfish are attracted to moisture and warmth, bathrooms, kitchens and hot-presses can create ideal nesting points for these pests. For such reasons, water leaks, damp or ventilation issues may often precede their presence and/or foster their development. They can enter our homes from soil, overgrowth, leaf piles, mulch deposits and woodpiles, which are too close to the property’s walls. However, they can also be imported on items like carboard boxes, books and vintage items. While you can reduce some of the conditions which allow silverfish to enter your home, you can never fully eliminate them. Once you’ve spotted them in your home, your focus should be on extermination and addressing any moisture issues (if present), rather than fixating on the entry, as they will have entered long before the problem became noticeable.

What do silverfish eat:

Silverfish are scavengers that consume a variety of organic materials. They can eat many of the products we eat but their diet mainly includes:

  1. Carbohydrates: Silverfish feed on sugars and starches found in various materials such as paper, cardboard, glue, and fabric.

  2. Cellulose: They consume cellulose-based materials like wallpaper, book bindings, and certain types of fabrics.

  3. Protein: Silverfish also feed on proteins found in dead insects, hair, and some synthetic fibers.

They are particularly attracted to dark, damp environments and often infest areas like basements, bathrooms, and kitchens where these materials are plentiful.

Lifecycle of silverfish:

It can depend on the particular sub-species but silverfish can live for up to 8 years! They have no particular mating season and unlike many other insects species, they can produce eggs all year round. They lay multiple eggs a day, often in clutches of about 20. Once hatched, It only takes about 4 to 6 weeks for a nymph to reach full maturity and begin this cycle again. So it’s easy to see how they can quickly multiply, and persist for years if left improperly treated.

How to get rid of silverfish:

Inspecting and repairing your property for moisture or leak issues is a great first step (remember, silverfish love moisture). Persistent vacuuming will also help to reduce eggs and capture some of the pests. Once in though, silverfish can be tough to fully eradicate with over the counter remedies; This is because silverfish tend to embed themselves and their eggs within hard to reach cracks and crevices that such products just won’t reach. Having specialised equipment to penetrate these areas is essential in most cases.

Professional silverfish treatment:

Our Silverfish spray treatment overcomes the shortcomings and time constraints of over the counter products; by utilising a specialised spray system to penetrate deep into the crevices which harbour silverfish and their eggs, killing them instantly. It’s quick, safe and cost effective. An average treatment takes about 1 hour to complete and you can safely return to the property within 1-2 hours of finishing the treatment. For specialised cases we also provided gel baiting and dusting solutions, so we always have a solution for any silverfish infestation.

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