Pest control guide for woodworm



Woodworm isn’t a variety of insect but rather its a term used for various beetles which favour different types of wood for their feeding and lifecycles. The most forms of beetle which infest wood in Ireland are the longhorn, furniture or powder post beetle.

Their burrowing behaviour means most of their damage lays beneath the surface, so woodworm can be hard to initially detect and requires an expert eye. We provide a 10yr guarantee with all treatments.

Dangers of woodworm in your home:

Woodworm can weaken structural timbers and flooring, in the extreme this can lead to structural failure. It can also attack furniture, antiques or panelling. Due to its serious impact, it will be flagged by surveyors during the evaluation of a home, preventing sale/purchase.

How to know if you have woodworm:

signs of woodworm include: Tunnels or ‘galleries’ along the wood, fresh exit holes or ‘flight holes’, boring dust (or ‘frass’), larva, which looks like a creamy coloured worm or maggot within the wood, dead or adult beetles, or crumbling/weakened wood.

How to get rid of woodworm:

A proprietary woodworm treatment is used to disrupt the lifecycle of the beetles. All attic insulation must be removed to reduce fire risk as well as provide visibility to all structural timbers. Flight holes are found and injected to ensure complete elimination of the woodworm. Our woodworm treatment is guaranteed for 10 years

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